The White House Parrot

During a lull between the speeches at the recent White House Correspondents’ dinner, Michelle Obama leans over to chat with Joe Biden.

“Ya know, I bought Barack a parrot for his birthday.  The bird is so smart, Barack has already taught him to pronounce over two hundred words!”

“Wow, that’s pretty impressive,” says Joe, “but, you do realize that he just speaks the words — he doesn’t really understand what they mean.”

“Oh, that’s okay,” Michelle replies, “neither does the parrot.”


We ned a comment field on the page.

Maybe you just mount a link “Comments/Contributions”on the left column?

Or should we better make a menu point?

behind this we shpould allow a normal e-mail to be written, as it must be easi to integrate a link or an iname into the mail.



visibility of tags

I searched the internet, I did not find out how to make tags usable.

Can I show the tags at the bottom of each post? How?

Can I have a list of tags shown in a menu? So people can decide which tags = which jokes they want to see?

menu improvements

Please link all the pages with the respective menu point in the main menu.

At the moment the menue points link to your categories-content

As said in another post, your system is fine as it shows the full jokes. But I want to have the same quality as yours in a two-column layout. I also need this in order to make some text at the head of these pages